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Jul 11, 2021
Just Start!
It doesn't matter where we start, what matters is that we start! Often, the stuff of life overwhelms to the point of paralysis. Take...
Jun 13, 2021
When Your Back Is Against The Wall...
When your back is against the wall, we are going to have to knock it down together. Sometimes we feel pressed and we can't break through....
May 9, 2021
A New Path...
So what do you do when your way isn't working? There's hard work, perseverance and an uphill climb to any goal worth pursuing. However,...
May 2, 2021
AHA Moments...
AHA Moments...when the lights go on! A breakthrough. "AHA"...that moment when something in us unlocks and we get it! The key to...
Apr 11, 2021
Healthy Boundaries For Limitless Living...
What comes to mind when you hear the word "boundaries"? The dictionary definition says a boundary marks the limits of an area or...
Apr 3, 2021
Re-Invent Yourself!
You know the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." This is the spirit of re-invention. When life doesn't go as planned...
Mar 29, 2021
Forest For The Trees...
We have all heard the phrase, "You can't see the forest for the trees!" There isn't a better way to describe it when it comes to being so...
Mar 21, 2021
The Path That Leads To Life...
My daily prayer with my children is, "Please help us stay on the path that leads to life." Whether you are a person of faith or not,...
Mar 14, 2021
One Small, Scary And Strenuous Step At A Time...
The journey to self empowerment and personal growth is one small, maybe scary and strenuous....step at a time. It takes courage to look...
Mar 9, 2021
Grace Like A Waterfall...
What happens when we fall off the plan? What about set backs? How do we speak to ourselves? How do we speak to others when they mess up?...
Mar 7, 2021
Courage To Change...
It takes courage to raise your hand and say, "I need help" or "I need new ideas." We all have "blind spots" where we need to someone to...
Feb 28, 2021
Just Keep Swimming...
Sometimes life feels like you are swimming up stream. You know the direction you are going and you have to get there. But, some days...
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